Archive of all blog posts

News & announcements: Add your own personal study photos to the LoA drawing tools

A new feature out for members with full subscriptions, or who are using Backer code time: You can add up to 100 photos to each of our study tools! They will appear in the study rotation as you do your normal practice. These are personal practice photos; only you will see them in the tools, so they don't require the rigorous review process that submitting photos for public use comes with.You can even... Continue reading

News & announcements: Scenes and environments tool arrives in beta

A project we started years ago has finally wended its way to Line of Action - a scenes and environments drawing tool! This tool features interior and exterior architecture, natural landscapes, and even a few still life scenes. The focus to begin with was environments into which you might place those human and animal figures you've been studying so hard, but as the photo collection expands, I expect... Continue reading

News & announcements: Looking for Black Friday deals?

Black Friday? Nah, we offer a year-round 33% student/educator discount on Line of Action memberships! All you need is a student (or teacher) ID and the ability to take a digital picture. Approval usually takes less than 24 hours. And that student discount even applies to gifts! Grab a gift card for full membership on Line of Action for all the artists on your holiday gift-giving list. :) Full... Continue reading

News & announcements: PayPal comes to Line of Action

You've been asking for it, and now it's here! We have PayPal for both purchasing photobundles of new study material and for upgrading your membership. Although we still only accept credit and debit for automatic recurring subscription payments, you can still use PayPal to become a full member! Pop over to the new gift cards page and buy yourself a gift code for 1, 3, 6, or 12 months of full membership.... Continue reading