© 2025 Queenofthecoven
I Am STAYing
This drawing is really good you know how doing a face with a cercle for the begin (is just Loomis why it's hard to say). but I saw some mistakes. The mouth looks à little bit small. I think It's the chin. You draw a 3/4 face but the chin is not. If you draw a straight line down the middle of the face, it should go through the nose, the triangle of the mouth (I don't know what it's called) and the chin. I think the jaw needs to be straightened. I hope you understand ( I'm not English) and I hope that helps you
Hey! Your understanding of the individual aspects of the face are looking great! I think the biggest thing you could do to improve is working on construction of the face. "Facial Planes" would be the best thing to study, as it helps you understand how the components of the face fit together. Even in a more semi-realistic style, the muscles under the face are what dictate how it looks, and they all move together. But I really love how you left your construction lines to view, you've got the basics down great!!
I'd suggest breaking down the entire face into simpler shapes. It keeps the features from looking flat or "pasted" on. Otherwise, it looks great! Keep it up!