© 2025 Queenofthecoven
Great lighting and shadow! Your face anatomy could use a little work. Practice construction of the nose and mouth. The angle is also good but I think you could see more of the hair at the hairline so it doesn't look like a bald head with a scarf laid over it.
Also your line quality could use some work. Practice smoother lines that without going over them so many times to make it cleaner and less sketchy. Slow down and draw one shape without picking up your pen and practice that until your hand gets more steady.
Also your line quality could use some work. Practice smoother lines that without going over them so many times to make it cleaner and less sketchy. Slow down and draw one shape without picking up your pen and practice that until your hand gets more steady.
It's great that upi tried to detail the ears but I would suggest looking into how the ear looks from different angle, think of it in 3d to make it looks liek it belongs in the portrait.
It's also great that you tried to shade and as you shade try to think of which planes of the faces and hair are facing the light and which are in complete shadow, try to imagine where the light might be and think of the model as in 3d as a sort of sculpture to grasp where the light might hit and ehre it doesn't.
I think you did a decent job with the face and features placement as you will learn more abut shapes and anatomy of the nose for instance you will get better at it. Also keep in mind the symetry you can try placing the axis of symmetry of the face which will help you in all angles in which the head might turn.
Anyway keep it up!