Dabbling in digital!
© 2018 Line
Done as part of a 30 minute class.
My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses
Emma was nice enough to let me use her tablet for this session, have to say I'm just a little proud of the results, I've never really got used to the hand eye cordination but I'm really starting to warm up to the idea of digital :3
Way to go on your range of action and lines of action in yours hands and feet. But they are still too rigidest in their guts and sparks of life. How would you like to please try out 32 minutes of 2 minute hands and feet sketches?
The reason is because that your goal is to understand your hand and foot anatomy so that you can create and develop imagined poses and gestures, then your next goal it to make your bones and muscles of your hand and foot drawings less stiffest but the most fluidest but liveliest, then bring it on.
And if you wanna practice more, then please look into this Artistic Anatomy book for the hands and feet, specifically.Please add this to your physical library.
Good luck from all of us.