Schedule I - A1 / Ex1: Contour
© 2020 Carpanzano
The Natural Way to Draw - by Kimon Nicolaides
Schedule I - A1
Exercise 1: Contour (one drawing) - (1/1)
Half Hour
Date: 13/02/2020
0/10: I had a really bad time with this one. I kept looking to the paper and focusing too much on the drawing instead of on the figure. That is the only reason I was able to get the "image" half right. Also, I drew the same lines a few times, as you can see in the image, and used the eraser a few times, which is forbidden in this type of exercise. Really didn't do the intended exercise properly. You are supposed to feel the figure. As if your pencil was the tip of your finger, lightly touching the model. I was unable to get to that state. Had to restart 3 times as well. Simply awful. It had been a while since I lest drew anything so it was a tremendously frustrating and downright depressing affair.