Inktober Day 11

by Jman3, October 12th 2018 © 2018 Jman3
Done as part of a 30 minute class. My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses I will use Inktober as a way to getting better at drawing human figure and try to get a more consistent drawing schedule by gaining some skill and therefore more pleasure to continue bettering my artistic abilities. Today I think I made a good step in finding something to really focus on. My skeletons are far to loose and I need to spend some time studying the skeletal structure more. Specifically the torso, I thought I had a good grasp on how to sketch the ribs and pelvis but I need to go back and figure out what I am doing wrong. I will focus on this in tomorrows session (might be a little laid back, going to a wedding). I did attempt a skeletal sketch of one of the figures I saw and liked but I was unhappy with the result. Critique is open this time I have a grasp on what needs to change. Notes for the final drawing: I made the head/neck a bit to thick and made the porportions seem off. I also seem to be spending too much time on something, the last drawing seems to be getting less and less complete.
Polyvios Animations
Hello again, Jman3. Greatest job on your since of drive and incentive, but with fuller originality in your Inktober progress sketches. So, my hat's off to you!:);)