Inktober Day 22
© 2018 Jman3
Done as part of a 30 minute class.
My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses
I will use Inktober as a way to get better at drawing human figure and try to get a more consistent drawing schedule by gaining some skill and therefore more pleasure to continue bettering my artistic abilities.
This practice went very well, the last three drawings had good proportions with the torso and legs which I have struggled with for a while. Drawing larger has definitely helped and the consistent practice is starting to bear fruit.
Critique is open I am curious to see what others think.
Notes for the final drawing:
I decided to only use fine point this time as I have done in the past. I ended up making the mistake of not drawing with my shoulder and making long smooth lines. It feels natural to draw more from the elbow or wrist, its almost as if the fine point is not secure when I draw with my shoulder. The arms are too long, mainly the humorous. I didn’t spend enough time on the hands/feet/face but they are not the priority. I am happy with the form on this one, I did a more detailed version of this figure on day 18.