© 2020 Ghostplants
Done as part of a 30 minute class.
My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form
Great line movement and overall line of action! The only recommendation I can make is to make your pencil/pen marks stronger. Focus on long strokes for areas like the contours of the legs and arms instead of short quick strokes. This will help with the overall line quality even at a rough stage.
Thank you!
Its Sam
Hi Ghostplants! Let me start off my saying that your head and body compaison porportions are fantastic. Also, the pose is captured really well and I could easily distiguish the sections of the arms and legs apart. Yet, the shoulders look a little tense. I would recommend slanting them down slightly and adding more pronounciation to the trapezius. Another thing I would recomend is to make the arms slightly less long and the touch up of the stomach. When you drew in the curve for the waist leading into the hips, it's slightly too siplified. Since her right leg is in front, that pushes her right hip up to her stomach. I would suggest adding a slight fold when her hip meets with her abdomen. The last thing i'll say is maybe to make the pink lines sightly less thick. It'll give more room for detail and it's esier to catch mistakes. Other than that I's say it looks really good for what your goal is set to. One thing that you especialy did well on is drawing the breats. Most people draw them too high and i't doesn't look natural. Really good job overall.
Thank you, I will take these tips to my practice for sure.
Polyvios Animations
Polyvios Animations
I'm working on my hand placement. Being. Lefty has caused me to adapt some weird hand placements so my muscles so shorter times help with the strain. I'll work up to it :)