30 seconds
© 2018 4bidden2draw
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 30 seconds in length.
My current goal is: Improve at correctly capturing the overall proportions of the human form
My earlier sketches I used MyPaint
From now on every 30 seconds to 2 minutes I'll use Autodesk Sketchbook.
Polyvios Animations
The reason why is a result of your quickest sketches, though farthest below your time range, then your shoulders will benefit from the most funnest but most freest gesture work out. For most details, look into some YouTube videos on the drawn blind folded exercise, down here.👇👇👇
And by what I mean about drawn blind-folded is because, first of all, your drawings don't always have to be perfect immediately, but second to help you spur your creativity the most passionately. And so, let's hope they've been completely and totally concrete.