© 2021 Hosituki Aya
Polyvios Animations
Well, Hosituki, I must say you’re really and completely on the right track, and I feel like you must totally, definitely and absolutely know what you’re doing. Working from the gesture, all the way down to the final drawing. (all without excess lines)
Though the initial roughs and final drawing look greater, but the way the middle poses look, you've taken a bit far too much speed with you. Some of the heads are too smallest. Like Aunt Herbert said, we wished that some or any of those custom classes let us practice 2 minute drawings, too. Would you like to warm up with 20 minutes of 10 minute pose drawings? (2 poses)
The reasons why you could, should and would do these are because: 1) To help you best acquainted with your understanding of human proportions so you could render imagined attitudes. 2) To help make your perceptions of relationships and spaces the least rigid and the most all organic, loosest, natural, freest and expressive than used to.
Hope this helps.
Polyvios Aninations
P.S. Would you like to check this out?
好吧,Hosituki,我必須說你真的完全在正確的軌道上,我覺得你必須完全、絕對和絕對知道你在做什麼。 從手勢開始,一直到最終繪圖。 (都沒有多餘的線條)雖然最初的草圖和最終的繪圖看起來更大,但是中間姿勢的樣子,你已經有點太快了。 有些頭太小了。 就像赫伯特阿姨說的那樣,我們希望這些自定義課程中的一些或任何課程也能讓我們練習 2 分鐘的繪畫。 你想用 20 分鐘的 10 分鐘姿勢圖來熱身嗎? (2 個姿勢) 你可以、應該和願意做這些的原因是: 1) 幫助你最好地了解你對人體比例的理解,以便你可以呈現想像的態度。 2) 讓你對關係和空間的看法比以往更不僵化,最有機、最寬鬆、自然、最自由和富有表現力。 希望這可以幫助。 Polyvios Aninations 你想看看這個嗎?https://youtu.be/EOb1BijMBjU
好吧,Hosituki,我必须说你真的完全在正确的轨道上,我觉得你必须完全、绝对和绝对知道你在做什么。 从手势开始,一直到最终绘图。 (都没有多余的线条)虽然最初的草图和最终的绘图看起来更大,但是中间姿势的样子,你已经有点太快了。 有些头太小了。 就像赫伯特阿姨说的那样,我们希望这些自定义课程中的一些或任何课程也能让我们练习 2 分钟的绘画。 你想用 20 分钟的 10 分钟姿势图来热身吗? (2 个姿势) 你可以、应该和愿意做这些的原因是: 1) 帮助你最好地了解你对人体比例的理解,以便你可以呈现想象的态度。 2) 让你对关系和空间的看法比以往更不僵化,最有机、最宽松、自然、最自由和富有表现力。 希望这可以帮助。 Polyvios Aninations 你想看看这个吗?
Though the initial roughs and final drawing look greater, but the way the middle poses look, you've taken a bit far too much speed with you. Some of the heads are too smallest. Like Aunt Herbert said, we wished that some or any of those custom classes let us practice 2 minute drawings, too. Would you like to warm up with 20 minutes of 10 minute pose drawings? (2 poses)
The reasons why you could, should and would do these are because: 1) To help you best acquainted with your understanding of human proportions so you could render imagined attitudes. 2) To help make your perceptions of relationships and spaces the least rigid and the most all organic, loosest, natural, freest and expressive than used to.
Hope this helps.
Polyvios Aninations
P.S. Would you like to check this out?
好吧,Hosituki,我必須說你真的完全在正確的軌道上,我覺得你必須完全、絕對和絕對知道你在做什麼。 從手勢開始,一直到最終繪圖。 (都沒有多餘的線條)雖然最初的草圖和最終的繪圖看起來更大,但是中間姿勢的樣子,你已經有點太快了。 有些頭太小了。 就像赫伯特阿姨說的那樣,我們希望這些自定義課程中的一些或任何課程也能讓我們練習 2 分鐘的繪畫。 你想用 20 分鐘的 10 分鐘姿勢圖來熱身嗎? (2 個姿勢) 你可以、應該和願意做這些的原因是: 1) 幫助你最好地了解你對人體比例的理解,以便你可以呈現想像的態度。 2) 讓你對關係和空間的看法比以往更不僵化,最有機、最寬鬆、自然、最自由和富有表現力。 希望這可以幫助。 Polyvios Aninations 你想看看這個嗎?https://youtu.be/EOb1BijMBjU
好吧,Hosituki,我必须说你真的完全在正确的轨道上,我觉得你必须完全、绝对和绝对知道你在做什么。 从手势开始,一直到最终绘图。 (都没有多余的线条)虽然最初的草图和最终的绘图看起来更大,但是中间姿势的样子,你已经有点太快了。 有些头太小了。 就像赫伯特阿姨说的那样,我们希望这些自定义课程中的一些或任何课程也能让我们练习 2 分钟的绘画。 你想用 20 分钟的 10 分钟姿势图来热身吗? (2 个姿势) 你可以、应该和愿意做这些的原因是: 1) 帮助你最好地了解你对人体比例的理解,以便你可以呈现想象的态度。 2) 让你对关系和空间的看法比以往更不僵化,最有机、最宽松、自然、最自由和富有表现力。 希望这可以帮助。 Polyvios Aninations 你想看看这个吗?
Hosituki Aya
謝謝你Polyvios Animations~
謝謝你Polyvios Animations~
Aunt Herbert
The initial sketches and the final pose look great. The medium timed sketches look, like you took too much speed with you from the initial quick sketches. The outlines are a bit too hasty, the heads a bit too small, and the lower sitting girl even lost some of the initial pose and ended up stiffer.
This all doesn't show up on your final draft, so I really think it's a timing issue. I wish the preprogrammed classes had a 2 minute step, as the switch from 1 minute to 5 minutes is a bit harsh. I always leave the beginner tips on in those classes, not so much to read them, but so that I get a warning ahead of time, that I have now a lot more time for my next draft, and can spend more time finding good lines.
Hosituki Aya
但看了你的評論,我覺得安心多了,也知道了需要改善的問題在哪裡,真的非常感謝你,Aunt Herbert!!