© 2022 Tx Williep
From a 5 min pen & ink sketch which I redid using colored pencils.
looks too amazing oml
Tx Williep
Thanks for critiquing my picture. Jennifer is one of the life drawing models we have left I am refinancing my house & it has been a pain plus takes a large amount of my time. This picture was made from a pen & ink life drawing. Hopefully, when I finish with the house refinancing I will have more time for art. Plus more time for the 2 items you offered to study (good stuff).
I do appreciate your comments & advice on my work. I will try to do better.
I do appreciate your comments & advice on my work. I will try to do better.
Tx Williep
Mkimbrell1230, thank you for your comment on my drawing. I bought a new set of colored pencils from a company called Castle. I thought that I wanted to try them out. Jennifer_1 is the result. The transitions are not as good as I had hoped for. The old saying: if at first, you do not succeed then try, try again. So I will.
Microwaved Tom
I like the colour mixture,
you could try to vary up the colours that you applied to show more form by increasing the value range more darker.
you could try to vary up the colours that you applied to show more form by increasing the value range more darker.
Tx Williep
Microwaved Tom thank you for critiquing my drawing. Jennifer is a young lady whose figure does not have the muscles or fat that an older person would have. Usually, the shoulder blades on the back would show up. I have plans to do a watercolor or this pose.
However, the gestures of the proportons and anatomy are totally and extremely getting there, but they could use a bit more loosening up in the perceptions of the lines. Would you like to work more quickly and scribbly with 1 hour of 30 second gesture poses in wax crayons? As a result, you'll be not so precious in your final figures and more appealed and engaged in the actuall process in the spontaneity in the lines of action and loose lines of balance and rhythm. For more details, look into the PDFs of Vol. 1 of Walt Stanchfield, and Vilppu's Drawing Manual. Keep up your progress of practice, and I hope they've made you satisfied in the most appealing way. Good luck.