Line of Action Lesson

by Te7oo, October 23rd 2022 © 2022 Te7oo
Tada! My first lesson/study. This one was about the Line of Action, which is essentially the imaginary spine. It went into the line itself, then how to add designated areas for the head, ribcage/torso, and pelvis. We also had a bit on joints, as well as dabbling in adding more definition to the base sketch! It was definitely worth it, and i learned quite a bit even if it was a simple lesson.
Polyvios Animations
Good morning, Te700, and welcome aboard, I'm Polyvios Animations, and how do you do? Great job on your first attempts making quick sketches and quick doodles. So, question: what is your first goal today? So that you know exactly what skill to develop, why you need to work on your goals and yourself, and how to develop your skills.

Hope you've found this helpful and encouraging.

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