Still working on my line of action

by Naima, June 10th 2023 © 2023 Naima
30 secs, with just one soft, big pencil to force myself to more confident lines
Polyvios Animations
Say, Naima, greatest job on how loosest, but lightest yet livest lines of action and rhythm you've captured in your expressions and poses. But they all seem not to exaggerated and expressive in your strongest flows. Would you care to go for 31 more minutes of 14 second scribbliest poses? (1860/14≈133 poses and expressive scribbles)

The logic behind the greatest, most solid critique is because, if you need to be mostly fastest and fearless in your clarity of the forces, while you work out your blackest sketching pencils, then I suggest you be the most focused in your forces over details to communicate your action and acting in your poses, expressions, and gestures, but in addition to the use of the blackest ebony pencils, you will be getting the least shiniest finishes in your shades possible. Either way, kindly experiment the most in your tools and times.

Good luck to you, your learning curves, and most of all, your marches of practices.
This looks very good but also remember to be confident in your line work. if that means just focusing on the lines of a picture that could be good practice. Your shape overall is very good and has a nice flow