1 min variation

by Naima, June 11th 2023 © 2023 Naima
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 60 seconds. As a warm up
Musical Squash
Looks pretty good! If I were to try to say something maybe try to work on more decisive strokes some of them look kind of scratchy. For example, the back of the lower left duck and the top of the head. You could try less pressure for some of these as well, though that might just be a prefrence. Also, the hand on the dog looks off. The front paw, though that was probably partley time constraint. Overall though, looks pretty good, I think I like the duck with the head reaching down and the chicken most of all, those chicken edge strokes on the left side look confident. Squirrel looks nice as well. Keep it up!
Polyvios Animations
Hello again, Naima, and once again, a far greater work on all of your animal warm-ups, but I love the looseness and boldness of the line quality. However, the edges could have been even more ruthless and extra-decisive. For example, the paw of that dog seems a bit too rigider to me. How would you like to go for 8 minutes of 28 second animal warm-ups?

The reason why you could go for this suggestion is as a result, unless you make the chickenscratchy quality a bit more of a preference, then it can and shall, and will, make your strokes even more bolder and confident on this time constraint, 28 seconds, therefore warmups don't really have to be very finished to us. And if you wanna learn more about quick sketching animals and critters, please look into the Force Animals book by Mike Mattessi. Please keep up the greatest works, and let's hope they've helped and supported and encouraged you.
First thing I will tell you is to be confident in your lines. Its just a warm up so its ok if you mess up alittle. Having more confident line work in your practice runs can help you when doing a more detailed piece