You know, IMURRG, greatest works on your loosest and liveliest lines of action and rhythm in your figure poses. I think you're doing the greatest but I still totally feel that these lines are too stiffest to me and my tastes. Why don't you please work the most exaggerated from your shoudlers with our interactive drawing tutorial here?
The reason why is because, if you want your goal to make your figures more solidest, more fluidest,and more liveliest, then do it.
For most details, look into any of the Andrew Loomis books on Amazon, and the Nick Meglin book there, even though it's getting a bit too scarcest there. Good luck from me.
The reason why is because, if you want your goal to make your figures more solidest, more fluidest,and more liveliest, then do it.
For most details, look into any of the Andrew Loomis books on Amazon, and the Nick Meglin book there, even though it's getting a bit too scarcest there. Good luck from me.