Week 08 Never forget that animals have thoughts and emotions too
© 2024 低温チキン
2024/06/19 - 2024/06/25 A reflection on the past week:
While drawing feet, I tried using my non-dominant hand. At first, I thought, "There's no way I can do this," but when I used my entire arm, I found that I could draw quite well. Additionally, drawing with the non-dominant hand made fine movements difficult, resulting in more dynamic line work.
When drawing animals, bringing their thoughts and emotions to life infuses your work with spirit. These sketches capture the moment-to-moment movements, expressing the lively essence of the animals.
2024/06/19 Figure drawing - Female
2024/06/20 Feet (drawn with the non-dominant hand), Shoes
2024/06/21 Figure drawing - Teen
2024/06/22 Sketches of faces and heads, practicing expressions and features
2024/06/23 30-second figure drawings, understanding three-dimensionality and composition 2024/06/24 Figure drawing - Female 2024/06/25 Animal drawings
Tasks for next week:
For hand drawing warm-ups, start by learning to draw stylized hands.
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Week 08 動物にも思考や感情があることを忘れずに
2024/06/19 - 2024/06/25
2024/06/19 人物ドローイング 女性
2024/06/20 足(利き手と逆の手で書いてみる)、靴
2024/06/21 人物ドローイング Teen
2024/06/22 顔と頭部のスケッチ、表情と特徴の描写練習
2024/06/23 人物30秒ドローイング、立体感と構図の理解
2024/06/24 人物ドローイング 女性
2024/06/25 動物のドローイング
This is already very powerful, and I can't make good suggestions.I don't know why I putLeave this to me to evaluate, I don't have that level.It's still great to appreciate the work.
Thank you.
We are always happy to hear any feedback you may have!
We are always happy to hear any feedback you may have!
The argument is as a result, if your goal is, "to just get better at gesture drawing," then it would be too shallowest to build on, but if you need to make your goals mostly concrete, then you can and will excel the most excellently but quickly. So if you're curious for most stuff, kindly look into The Little Book of Talent by D. Coyle.
Let's hope they're totally helpful
ご存知のとおり、Low Temp さん、これらは、描画テクニックの研究と、足、10 代の少女の姿、生き物などのジェスチャー ドローイングの進化に関する、最も偉大で大胆、かつ最も力強い仕事です。しかし、プロセスと進捗状況に関するあなたの最も洞察力に加えて、私はあなたの目標の最も鋭敏さと鋭さを本当に、本当に必要としています。あなたの将来の目標が、私のジェスチャーと線の表現を最も戯画的でありながら誇張された、したがって風刺的なものにすることだとしたら、構いませんか?
その結果、議論は、あなたの目標が「ジェスチャー ドローイングをうまく描くこと」である場合、それを基盤にするにはあまりにも浅すぎるが、目標をほぼ具体的にする必要がある場合、最も見事に、かつ迅速に卓越することができます。ですから、ほとんどのことに興味がある場合は、D. Coyle の The Little Book of Talent を親切に調べてください。
Also, thanks for the books!