- 26-Second Soulful Warm-Up of My Animals
- 28-Second Scribbly Animal Warm-Up Exercise
- Marine creatures
- 27-Second Loosest Animal Drawing Exercise Scribbles
- 30-Second Scribbliest and Loosest Warm-Up Animals
- 29-Second Greasiest Quick Exercise of Animals
- 28-Second Greaser, Looser, and Noodlier Quick Exercise of Animals
- 27-Second Greasy Scribbly Exercise of My Animals
- 30-Second Greasiest and Looser Warm-Up of Animals
- Quick Sketch
- 30-Second Greasy Animal Sketching Exercise
- 30-Second Greasy, Loose and Noodly Warm-Up Exercise
- 20 mins per pose #1
- 29-Second Faster and Furious Sketch to Loosen Up
- 5 mins per pose #1