Everyone has anchor points. For me on a face (i like portrait drawing) the nose is my anchor because I love them yet they're so difficult to draw. But because the nose is my anchor, all the other features come from that point. I have the proportions of the face memorized (the eyes are an "eye" width apart, the top of the ear is the eyebrow, the bottom of the ear is the bottom of the nose, etc. So what is your favorite part of the body to draw? What is your anchor? Once you know your anchor, you can place everything accordingly by using porportion cheat codes. I do not know them for the body, but you can easily YouTube body proportions and someone will tell you the cheat codes and then boom! You do it without hesitation. But just know that I LOVE your sketches. I love loose, messy sketches haha but that's me. So, if you think you need improvement -figure out your anchor and memorize the cheat codes. You easily got this(: