Hi there, welcome to the site!
Thanks for sharing your art with us. :) I took a quick look and I'm impressed by the gestures you've drawn, you improved a lot!
There's not much I can actively give criticism on, you're progressing quickly and a lot of it looks good to me. The only thing I notice is that sometimes it looks like you're putting more effort into the background and props than in the figure itself. Perhaps you should prioritize the figure and try to neglect the background more? Although it looks pretty, it doesn't add much to the gestures.
That's totally up to you though, I personally recommend focusing on the figures and disregard the backgrounds, but if you feel it works out for you just fine then it works out. :)
Edit: Also, your Tumblr is not accessible to people without an account. Although I have a Tumblr, others might not. I recommend posting your drawings publicly where everyone can see them without needing an account so that it's easier to receive feedback!
Thanks for the feedback! This is my first time posted my work on website.. i will keep work hard! :)