July 14, 2020 11:46pm #25952Thank you guys. I've tried to work on some of the things you talked about, and I'm starting to see improvement.July 5, 2020 8:53pm #25913Thanks everyone for your advice! I will definately work on doing more ghosting, and I like the suggestion to time myself while drawing. I will try look into Mike Mattesi's book and I appriciate the recomendation. I'm actually already using the Proko figure drawing course, but I'm glad that there are others who feel it is worthwhile.July 2, 2020 7:34pm #25902These gestures were all from a "class" session, so some had longer time than others. I think one of my biggest flaws is that I use too many lines, and I am trying to work on that. I'm pretty sure that another problem I have is that as the session progresses I get frustrated and stop paying as much attention to what I'm doing. I tried to show a range of better and worse drawings here, and I was wondering if there are any obvious problems that I'm missing?
link to google drive folder with drawings1 -