Slow down!
I've been desperate enough to ask random strangers on the internet for help myself, but your post hasn't offered enough information for people to offer you much help here. We have no way to judge your work on your terms without examples or specifics. How long have you been drawing? What do you want to express? What are you specifically hoping to work on (if you aren't sure, picking an area to focus on improving will help - "I want to improve" is vague. "I want to be able to draw muscles well" or "I want my faces to be more stylized" are still a bit vague, but much, much better)? Are there any artists you like, and how much art do you consume in general (can even just be cartoons or manga)?
I've also been in the "my drawings are awful I can't even look at it" mindset, but what about your work makes you think that way specifically?
This is all meant as gently as possible, but right now, you likely aren't going to get constructive or helpful feedback from this. Just based on your post, have you tried class mode instead (even if it's just a 30-minute session)? Has your teacher given you any specific suggestions (and have you asked them for additional feedback, since they're working much more closely with you than any of us can)?
Going to step in with the assumption that you've already tried what's being suggested to you and suggest something a bit more abstract.
You may need to brush up on some of the previous suggestions, but it's also possible that the approach you're taking is a poor fit for you; regardless of if you feel like you're improving, do you feel like you're learning? There is no one way to learn art, and repetition without really poking at your habits and methods doesn't work for everyone (it doesn't work for me, in fact - I need to understand what I'm doing to improve at it).