Trying to figure it out
© 2018 Krysfeyen
Working on figures. I seem to have the most trouble with the torso where the chest connects to the hips. I also have trouble doing figures from the side and imagining what that is supposed to look like. I try to start out with a simple manikin form and modify it from there
Hi. i love your drawings but maybe you can try draw quick sketches so the figure will have more flow and mothion.
Thank you for the feedback I’ll keep working on my figures anatomy and quick sketches
Hey Krysfeyen, I like your drawings and how you shade. One thing I feel worth mentioning tho is that your heavy outline is taking away from your volumes and making them flat, try to use the most contrast where you want the eye to look. The outline is a simplification of the background and the form colliding in space and isn't really there, so try ghosting it in lightly and then build ontop of that :-) This is something I'm working on myself - I'm a real line addict X)!
Tyvm for the feedback. I keep getting comments that my images are flat so I'm going back and working on that and trying to improve so your suggestion is helpful thanks again.
Polyvios Animations
Good morning, Krysfeyen. Welcome back to Line of Action, I'm Polyvios, Polyvios Animations, and how are you?
Greatest work on the strongest line quality of your lines of action and rhythm against the most solidest constructions of your nudist figures. I think that you've made the greatest progress, but I feel these seem a bit too boring in terms of exaggerations. Would you love to loosen up your edges and outlines with 1 hour of 30 second blind contour warmup poses? (120 quick warmup poses) (all flipped vertically and/or horizontally)
The reason why you can and will do these warmup exercises for your longest studies is as a result, you could and would be able to enjoy the sketching process of figures as always, but to help you transition to your artistic side of your brains. For most info, kindly pick up a copy in a physical library of Betty's Drawing on the Artist Within, or if your library doesn't carry that book, you could always pick up a copy for your Kindle app.
'Hope you've found these positively and absolutely useful.
Greatest work on the strongest line quality of your lines of action and rhythm against the most solidest constructions of your nudist figures. I think that you've made the greatest progress, but I feel these seem a bit too boring in terms of exaggerations. Would you love to loosen up your edges and outlines with 1 hour of 30 second blind contour warmup poses? (120 quick warmup poses) (all flipped vertically and/or horizontally)
The reason why you can and will do these warmup exercises for your longest studies is as a result, you could and would be able to enjoy the sketching process of figures as always, but to help you transition to your artistic side of your brains. For most info, kindly pick up a copy in a physical library of Betty's Drawing on the Artist Within, or if your library doesn't carry that book, you could always pick up a copy for your Kindle app.
'Hope you've found these positively and absolutely useful.
From what I see you've got some skills in anatomy and shadows. The woman on top right and the boy on the middle left look quite well done and lively.
Regarding your issues I would suggest to train on long pose drawings: This way you'll be able to focus on the details of the torso/hips connections.
Also by doing this, I think you can train yourself in recognizing "what it's supposed to look like" from real life examples, and find the line solutions to represent it.