© 2020 AliencommandoI've been figure drawing for a while but always struggle with poses from behind. Constructive criticism welcome! I know the hands and shading aren't the greatest but they aren't what I was looking to practice here. The numbers in boxes are how many minutes were taken for each pose.
You really got a good understanding of this, pretty inspiring
Thank you!
It seems that you understand the principle of drawing "what you see, not what you know" in order to render backs well. It is also apparent that you understand the main structures of the back. Your use of shape and line is superb. I would suggest attempting to render in a greater number of shadows and highlights to improve upon your understanding of the 3D shapes that comprise the forms. These are great studies overall.
Polyvios Animations
Great back drawings, aliencommando, way to go on that one. But I've got one tiny, small recommendation: See the gesture you're going with on those backshots? Why don't you please push the fluidity and liveliness in 15 minutes of 30 second sketches? The reason why you could do that recommendation, is because you back sketches will become less stiffest, and more solid, fluid, and liveliest.
Hope it's been completely and totally useful and beneficial. So thanks in advance.
Hope it's been completely and totally useful and beneficial. So thanks in advance.