60 sec practice
© 2021 Hayunb97
Proportions from the back towards the legs are great! I feel the flow there. However, the arms don't feel as connected to the body so def practice more in that area! Try practicing with single strokes similar to the left arm, I think it will def help your figures transition to a more smooth and organic lineweight. Keep up the great work!
The overall proportions look good but the lines lack controlled motion. Try and focus on practicing drawing straight and curvy lines.
But, I've got one tiniest, littlest suggestion for my critique. I love how much flow you've got in the organic anatomy, but I'm not getting enough of it tonight. Would you please work more quickly and more loosely, with 161 more minutes of 30 second quick body studies, for 8 days? (161 x 60/30/8, 9660/30/8 322/8=40 figure poses a day)
Just for future reference, it can and will help out on making your lines of action and rhythm less stiffer and more dynamic, energetic, and fluidest.
Good luck, cheers, and hat's off to you.