© 2021 Tx Williep
Pen & Ink live drawing nude figure from Life Drawing session. 13 minutes time limit.
I think this is a good effort - I see that you have been faithful in trying to accurately draw the figure to scale, with detail (hands and feet especially) and shading. The main issue I would concentrate on is using a more fluid line, currently it is a connection of short strokes that lose some of the continuity. This is a process, keep drawing and your comfort with drawing the contours that support the gesture and pose will continue to improve.
Tx Williep
Satchstratus thanks for critiquing my drawing. It is from a life drawing session and the time limit was 13 minutes. One of the things I am trying to do is simplify things. If you look at Rebecca_1 you will see I used mostly long pen strokes and shading is at a minimum, The hands could have been better but drawing in pen & ink once you commit to the lines you put down, you can not erase and start over. Rebecca_1 (5 minutes) was done during the same session as Rebecca_2. I will agree with you that practice will result in improvement. Also, look at my other items. I will try to do better.
It's defintely a challenge and a skill to express hands quickly and accurately, especially in pen, but if it's a medium you are keen on, you may enjoy spending some time drawing some knobbly hands. Good luck!
Again, I thank you. I will try to do better.