Figures 02
© 2023 Mely6990I'm trying to create a more consistent schedule for myself when I'm practicing this more offten and I'm almost done with school so, I know one can't get better without community so crits welcomed!
Consider dramatising even your figures a bit more- by displaying more of the figure's mussels through line quality (thick to thin lines). Your work will look like it is coming off the page and not made from a reference photo.
Make the lines over curvy and super thick to super thin-Working from your elbow or shoulder by holding a pencil "the artist's way" and having a long led or a woodless pencil is fab for this kind of work. If you are unsure what that is, there are tons of references on youtube. Pick one and go.
Think the Incredible Hulk. Draw all your figures this way- even if they don't look like that in the reference photo.
This will teach you more about volume and line control and give your drawing style the weighty girth it currently lacks. This will also give you storytelling skills and teach you about the drama available, even in the most boring or sublime pose.
Take some time to study Francis Bacon's or Freud's gesture works. They are well worth studying. Matise's abstracts are fun too. Copy the abstracts and make them look like a full-figure version of the Hulk, and you will be surprised by how much you will learn about mass in a drawing.
All the best,
JCML Fine Art
Consider dramatising even your figures a bit more- by displaying more of the figure's mussels through line quality (thick to thin lines). Your work will look like it is coming off the page and not made from a reference photo.
Make the lines over curvy and super thick to super thin-Working from your elbow or shoulder by holding a pencil "the artist's way" and having a long led or a woodless pencil is fab for this kind of work. If you are unsure what that is, there are tons of references on youtube. Pick one and go.
Think the Incredible Hulk. Draw all your figures this way- even if they don't look like that in the reference photo.
This will teach you more about volume and line control and give your drawing style the weighty girth it currently lacks. This will also give you storytelling skills and teach you about the drama available, even in the most boring or sublime pose.
Take some time to study Francis Bacon's or Freud's gesture works. They are well worth studying. Matise's abstracts are fun too. Copy the abstracts and make them look like a full-figure version of the Hulk, and you will be surprised by how much you will learn about mass in a drawing.
All the best,
JCML Fine Art
The reason why you could and should try this out is that you could and would be able to most quickly grasp out the simplest shapes and forms of the human pose while drawing those from memories. For even most info, be sure to look into Andrew Loomis' books Fun With A Pencil, and Figure Drawing For All Its Worth, for most details. It's available everywhere, at your local library, bookstore, or online.
Hope this has helped you out so much.