Figure drawing update
© 2023 Meijiisconfused
10m pose :
-Started shading while hands and feet were not drawn
-Lack of accuentuation of the anatomy and lack of use of lines of beauty, forms look too round and "blobby"
-Lack of control of shading brush because of being used to practice with pencil and paper but did the exercise digitally
5m poses :
-2nd pose is too simple compared to what I usually do, looks like a 1 min pose with some extra steps
1m poses :
-1st and 2nd poses are not as readable as the other ones, too much hesitation which led to too much unnecessary stokes and incorrect rhythms
-Avoid tangents, like the left arm and the torso on the 4th pose and could have avoided it by finishing the straight to curve shapes of the arm for example
In general: Avoid slowing down as the timer increases throughout the exercise
If anyone wants to add something to this or have any remarks on my self-critique, please feel free to do so !
Once again, greatest job on your display of lines of action and the loosest lines of rhythm in your poses, especially your 30 second poses, and especially your most constructive self critiques you gave to all of your attitudes above. Therefore, I'm still not getting enough of the longest, lightest and largest lines of action and lines of rhythm yet. Why don't you please work mostly from your shoulders and elbows as you're drawing the whole time?
The reason why you could and would just be most on board is as a result, by working from your shoulders, then your lines will and can get the most boldest and powerful results. And, if you're really still curious about gesture sketching, kindly refer to this video down here.
Let's hope these have been completely and totally nicest and encouraging. Thanks.