These drawings are beautiful! the pelican sketches are gorgeous, I love how you use white pen to capture white shades in your drawings. The dog is so cute and its really impressive. The cat is very good and again, your use of white and different shades of grey is really effective. I'd suggest looking at the head and neck proportions of the cat and notice each shape and ridge in the face, each little movement matters. This would make the cat more natural and would really boost your work. The rabbit is very cute! But i'd suggest following the same advice, looking back at your reference photo and picking and the individual little bumps and ridges that will carve the face of the animal very well.
Thank you so much for looking at my work and giving some great feedback. I appreciate that. I completely agree with you about checking proportions and correcting anatomical structure. I definitely need to have a mental shift from "loose, free and feeling the action" then follow up with "structured, anatomy and correcting proportions" without losing the "life" of the sketch. :). Feels like mental juggling. The cat definitely stayed in the loose and free mode which is why it ended up so janky. It was tough to post knowing it wasn't quite right but I'm glad I did to get your feedback
Thanks again! Cheers.
Thanks again! Cheers.