day 4 gesture drawing // 30 seconds, 2 minutes

Home Forums Critique day 4 gesture drawing // 30 seconds, 2 minutes

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Disfunctioning Potato 3 years ago.

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    as always, any critique is greatly appreciated!
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    It might be a good idea to start blocking out the specific shapes of each form before adding on any other detail, working off of the form of the musculature on the human skeleton as a basis. For example, the muscles in the arm make very distinct interlocking shapes, and so does the muscle of the torso. It may help to do studies of the different muscle groups of the human body by looking at a 3D model or yourself in the mirror. It's important to get the 3D shapes down because it'll add a lot more dimensionality and believability to each form you draw, and can even help with perspective. If you're having trouble with complex 3D shapes it may be helpful to do some turnaround studies of simple 3D shapes such as a cube or a cylinder. These are some studies that actually helped me a lot, so i hope they are enlightening for you too :)
    Good work so far in capturing the entirety of each pose in your 30-second gestures; I think you are doing well when it comes to the shorter amount of time to capture the essence of each pose. Like you, I like the short amount of time because it pushes me to make decisions faster to get the overall pose.

    Try keeping that same quickness when you translate to doing 2-minute poses, such as: making marks in one smooth, flowy line, keeping the pose simple like in your 30-second gestures, and capturing the overall form of each limb.

    I think you are doing a great job, so good luck and keep up the work!

    You're doing good really focusing on getting the whole pose together on a short timeline. Some of the poses are looking a bit flat, and I think it's because you're going "leg" and putting a flat leg shape where you think it should go, but maybe skipping over some steps in observation. I definitely recommend doing more of solid blocking under more complex shapes on shorter drawings. this might seem daunting, but it's often down to just laying down a few lines accross the body to really establish whether something's pointing toward or away from the viewer. If you're not quite sure, pick a direction anyway! This is part of learning to push poses, and also, you'll actually notice when you've guessed wrong the first time, and can correct it, instead of it just looking a little weird for mysterious reasons.

    I think your best-looking drawings are the weirdest poses, and I think it's specifically because you couldn't make any assumptions and had to really pay attention to the pose, the more you can extend that attenetion to the rest of the poses, the better off you'll be!
    Muy bien, recuerda que para simplificar se deben usar formas, usa el circulo en el torso o bien un cuadrado y los trazos falsos trata usar línas más suaves y después usar un trazo encima mucho más duro y poco a poco ir soltanto tu mano:), vas muy bien
    Your guidelines and rough sketches are great, but try adding a little volume and curves to the arms and legs. Try lightly erasing your lines and going over them again, making them smoother, and not as sketchy, so your drawings look better.

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