Did anything change with the "class" features recently? [RESOLVED]

Home Forums Support & Suggestions Did anything change with the "class" features recently?

This topic contains 10 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Telefonevoador 1 year ago.

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  • #30594
    Hi, there used to be, that at the end of a class I had the option to revisit all the references that came up in the class, uploading one image was suggested, and the upload came with a premade short text "this was created as part of a 30 min class" or so.

    Now since at least a few days, at the end of a class, there is just the pop-up "the class is finished", and that is that and all is done. I especially miss the option to revisit the references from the class, as I would like to continue working on my final piece.
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    That is very strange. I haven't uploaded any code changes to the tools (beyond adding images here and there) for several weeks. The holidays is not usually a great time for pushing patches.

    I'll poke around and see if I can find anything.
    Okay, I maybe found something. Lemme see what I can do :)
    Hmm, class still ends with the pop-up "You successfully finished the entire class". No offer to upload, no option to revisit the references again...

    Does it possibly have to do something with free and premium features? Like, I uploaded a lot via my premium option directly from my sketchbook. IIRC the upload option is somehow limited for free accounts. May I have run up my counter for free uploads with my uploads via my sketchbook?

    If the option to revisit references is then tied to the free uploads, it would be clear, why both options are no longer available for me, and it would be specific for my account atm.
    Now it works. Thanks for your service.
    I hadn't actually pushed a fix previously -- it was broken in an inconsistent way before, so sometimes it would work and sometimes it wouldn't. But I kicked off the new year with a fix that I hope will make this work consistently going forward! Thank you so much for bringing it to my attention, the inconsistent ones are the hardest for me to detect without help.
    Thank you for your service, sincerely!
    "Hi, there used to be, that at the end of a class I had the option to revisit all the references that came up in the class, [...]
    Now since at least a few days, at the end of a class, there is just the pop-up "the class is finished", and that is that and all is done."

    I just went through this scenario. In my case I skipped a few of the images and ended the session with 18 images.
    Sorry, just to clarify - you're saying you experienced this bug today?
    Hello Kim, sorry for the tardiness,

    Yes, I experienced this bug just some 4 or 5 minutes before my original comment's post time.

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