Good evening, Strawberrydrea, and welcome aboard to our site. I'm Polyvios Animations, and how do you do tonight? Say, I think you're off to the greater than greater start on your difficult odd angled poses, in terms of your 5-10 minutes of poses, in terms of movement, appeal, and dynamic balance with some simpler, more geometric forms, indeed. Please will you kindly keep up your greater efforts. However, I really, really, REALLY need to see more than pushed lines of action and rhythm of your poses form worm's eye to bird's eye. Please loosen up your graphic shapes, or lines, spaces or forms with a 2 minute pose, then the 60 second pose, and next the 30 second poses, to emphasize the more simpler flow and direction and angles of the clearer poses.
The explanation behind this littler thing is because though you can do the simpler poses for more dynamic uses of gesture sketches, so can your extreme angled poses and attitudes. For more of what I mean, kindly check out
this link right here. It's from John K.'s older blog, and it has all you need to know generally about practicing anything.
Good luck to your march of progress and learning curves, and good night.