Please don't be so hard on yourself, orangekiwiwatermelon?
I just checked out those reference-less poses, and I feel that you're on the right track, and I think drawing from memory, or 'w/o (without) reference' whatever you may call it, can, and shall be constantly improved with patience and practice. Well, if I could suggest you a very nice critique on your sketch, that I'm seeing some rigidity of some of those poses (2-5 min). Why don't you please do 87 more minutes of 30 second memory poses; in other words, just staring into each and every pose for 30s, then letting your memory flow out of ya on tablet?
The reason why? As a result, it's one of the many best way to remember what you're drawing in general. Good luck to your recent studies, and I hope you've found this informative, helpful, and delightful.