Forum posts by Stu1972

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  • #1307

    I'm back :-) And I've started on my gesture skills again (link to gestures below).

    I'm looking for feedback on:
    - have my proportion skills improved
    - am I still cluttering too many lines
    - are the figures distinguishable
    - have I caught the line of action (or are the gestures too static)
    - are there enough C-lines? if any at all

    Please take a look at my latest attempts here:

    Looking forward to your greatly appreciated feedback!


    Hi Sanne, hi everyone!

    I have done a few more gestures today:
    ... most of the time, I'm not sure if I'm capturing the gesture correclty, the "dot per joint" approach doesn't really satisfy me. The later attempts with an abundance of C-curves is much more fun, has more fluidity for me and I can imagine continuing that way ...

    I am targeting better and believable figure drawing results. Also, I am training my eye and hand at improving the speed and exactness of my first gesture.

    Looking forward to a future, when I return home and draw or paint using what I have seen during the day. The motives are all out there!
    Hopefully, I will then be capable and confident enough to paint or ink a finished painting regularly, starting in x few years (x: less than 5 ?).
    Hi Sanne,

    Thank you so very much! I appreciate very much the time you have invested in me here.

    I haven't been gesturing for a week or two now, but I will go back to it with newly found energies, thanks to your input.
    Yes, I scribble too much and I should concentrate more on what gesturing is about.
    I will read up on the link you provided, again ( :-) and attempt to keep to the guide line.

    Did you take a peek at my figure drawing activities? I go to an adult leisurely evening stint for figure drawing once weekly where we draw for up to 15 minutes per pose:

    Loads of thanks again,

    The link to one of my gesture images you provided ( is a "gesture" using a reference from the "competition site" *****.com (removed by author before publishing post).
    The top right is a ninja jumping in the air with a boot pointing to the observer and holding two knifes.
    The bottom right is a lady figure standing pretty statically, but holding a chainsaw.
    I guess, I see the reference in my mind when I look at my gesture results, so that currently makes me a poor critic of my own work.
    I like your composition, are you using a reference or from imagination?
    Chris, Thanks for this! I've seen some of your remarks on other critigue queries and appreciate this feedback immensely.
    I'd registered "many" clicks on my gesture page, but hadn't received any feedback until now!
    Now I know to keep up my efforts ... find the time ... make the time to practice :-)

    -- Stu
    please see my gesture pics of the last weeks here: