- 30-Second Greasy, Loose and Noodly Warm-Up Exercise
- 29-Second Faster and Furious Sketch to Loosen Up
- 17-Second Warm-Up Quick
- 12-Second Loosest and Freest Exercise for Hands And Feet
- 16 Second Loose and Fast Scribble to Get Light Fast
- 29-Second Fast and Furious Quick Scribble
- 29-Second Warm-Up To Get Dynamics
- 30-Second Way to Get Thru the Bad Drawings
- 22-Second Practice for my Gag Cartoons
- 28-Second Free-Flowing Warm-Up Practice Exercise
- 30 Second Lighter Scribble Sheet
- 24 Seconds of Kissing the Paper
- 14-Second Jotty Warm-Up for Hand and Foot Animations
- 9-Second Scratchy Warm-Up for My Hands and Feet
- 23-Second Lighter and Livelier Touch Sketch