Greater job on your eye and nose drawings, AuslerDraws. I love how much you've sculpted out the graphic shapes and spaces.
If I could suggest some totally and sincerely honest criticism, it could be that you're a bit too impatient with those facial features here, cause they look a bit farthest too rigidest. Would you please loosen up your shapes and spaces with two 299 second sketches of those eyes and noses, and ears? (2x4 minutes and 59 seconds) (on a custom timer here)
The logic behind this, as a result, your lines, shapes, spaces and forms will become the least harshest and stiffest, and the most fluidy, flowing, organic and lively. Lively, like any Eric Goldberg Drawing.
Hope this totally inspires you, despite the Chuck Close quote:
Inspiration is for amateurs.
Tip of the day: Adopt a blue-collar mindset.
Cheers to you and your goals.