Forum posts by Jvanimator

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  • #26522
    Hey Katie,

    Great to hear you're getting back into figure drawing, a good understanding of human anatomy is a strong foundation to drawing just about anything. Looking at your drawings I would suggest giving yourself more than 2 mintues to sketch. You need more time to really study and get a feel for the pose you're sketching. I would suggest getting a good anatomy book and study how each body parts relates to each other in terms of size, this will help your drawings to be in proportion. The more knowledge you have of human anatomy the better your drawings will look. Hope this helps, good luck.


    Thank you for the feedback, I'll take your advice and check-in a couple of weeks from now with some new sketches.
    Hi everyone,

    I'm looking to get some feedback on my gesture drawings, such as proportions, weight/balance, are the gestures reading well, etc. Also any suggestions on how I can improve are welcome as well.

    Thank you


    Looking to get some feedback regarding the anatomy on my rough sketch.

    Thank you
    Hi Ninelives,

    Thank you for your feedback, the twist has been giving me problems. I don't really have any reference of a person underwater looking at the camera as the pose I'm creating to go by. I'll keep trying though.

    Thank you
    Hi Tzilla,

    Thank you for your feedback, you're right about the arms they could use a little more meat on them. Looking at the image now I feel her legs should be coming to us a bit more and not be in perfect profile. I'll give it a shot. Thank you again.

    Working on a illustration but I'm having some trouble with the anatomy, the figure looks weird to me. Any feedback would be much appreciated.

    Thank you

    Image link: WIP