March 14, 2019 6:55am #3716Tried out the interactive learning tool and got the hang of some figure drawings :) Gonna try to at least do a skeatch a day or every two days to get some practice and track my improvements! For now here is my day 1 :)
Feel free to leave any critique & advice!
koon edited this post on March 14, 2019 3:56am.
March 13, 2019 7:05am #3709@Torrilin Ah thanks ! Haha I was mostly drawing a, well it was suppose to be a flour sack after watching some tutorial on youtube. I do have a pet dog so I was basing a lot of the stuff on her actions and some cartoony animals I've seen on tv and stuff. Thanks for the advice :))-
koon edited this post on March 13, 2019 4:09am.
March 13, 2019 7:03am #3708February 16, 2019 7:45am #3570February 10, 2019 7:16am #3538Hi! So i always have been doodling here and there and attempted at drawing some character designs and stuff for my own entertainment. Although, I'm not happy with how my skills are at the moment. So I'm not really sure where to start, I guess? I want to have a basic understanding of anatomy and porportions so my figures don't look so, odd?
Any tips? :)
Edit: Here's some examples of what I have so far! http://imgur.com/gallery/NBRPJMi
Followed a lot of tutorials on shapes and the "bean" technique. -