Forum posts by AngryFruit

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  • #3825
    I think it's good to keep practicing both. I often make a very loose drawing, follow it up with construction shapes, refine those shapes, and then do the detail work. It may perform the poses you want to draw and kind of get the feel of what it's actually like to be in that pose. You can have someone else take pictures of you so you have a more personalized reference than what you can find online?

    You can also just do doodle excercises such as like- theres one where you just draw a scribble and build off of it

    I'm sure there's other exercises for loosening up you could just google
    I totally get that. Looking at all the pictures can be overwhelming. I often don't know where to start. But honestly I've found that you just have to go. Just get a session started up on here and draw. Don't skip them, just do it. And draw as many as you can. And just keep going until you feel comfortable. Then you can start drawing your own poses and using pictures as just references rather than copying them completely like when you're doing studies. The amount of drawings doesn't matter, as long as you get the concept. You don't wanna stop after you get it down though. There's always something to improve.