Forum posts by Fonte Boa

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  • #4185
    Hello, i am new here and, first of all, i want to thanks for Line-of-Action site: it is great!

    I love to draw having a photography as reference, but I would like to take you with some tutorials on how to draw from the imagination, as I have realized that there are patterns that can be followed without loss of quality. Even the mastery of these patterns is very important in my opinion for the observation drawing as well. In fact, as much as we seem to be trying to reproduce in design what we are observing, over time what we do most is draw the pattern we have associated with each part of the body.

    So (a) do you have some tutorials about drawing from imagination and about mastery the patterns to each part of the body?
    (b) do you have some advice about how to study the drawing from imagination?

    Thanks again! :)


    I am referring to the picture kind of shapes pattern (in the picture, for example, some shapes to build a head)

    • Fonte Boa edited this post on August 22, 2019 1:54pm. Reason: append a picture
    • Fonte Boa edited this post on August 22, 2019 1:55pm.
    • Fonte Boa edited this post on August 22, 2019 1:56pm.