Forum posts by Qbicc

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  • #26995
    Thank you Majavhv,
    I see so many different approaches, like looking where the forces go through the body, looking for rhythm and making the arms and legs really curvy and exaggerating the pose. And there is this really scribbly way of gesture drawing too.
    But I feel those things make getting the right proportions super difficult, while starting with the skeleton and working my way up makes it easier.
    I was worried that my poses get to stiff that way, but if it is a good approach, I will keep at it and hone it until I can pull it off properly =)
    I started with anatomy, but I still have a way to go there.
    • Qbicc edited this post on April 19, 2021 4:41am.
    Hey, I am doing Gesture drawings for about 2 weeks now and am wondering if I am going into the wrong direction.
    Please find todays attempt here:

    I feel like I am struggling a lot with the proportions, especially when it comes to foreshortening.
    If I don't start with the skeleton, my proportions are off even more, but I lose a lot of time on that.
    When I am done with a Pose, I usually notice things like "Wait these two body parts should be much closer"
    But these are just my thoughts, I may be doing other things wrong, which I don't even notice, so please give it a more genral thought.
    • Qbicc edited this post on April 18, 2021 6:03am.
    • Qbicc edited this post on April 18, 2021 6:05am.
    • Qbicc edited this post on April 18, 2021 7:05pm.