Forum posts by fraise :3

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  • #32526

    hi! i havent been drawing for as long as you, but i have experienced art regression before. in my opinion, you should stop comparing your previous stuff to what youre doing now, because a lot of the time i found that it's very unhelpful. i honestly do see improvement in your art though, especially the from the first one to now. i know its frustrating, but i'd also say just finish it, even if you don't like it because seeing a bunch of unfinished sketches that you think are bad is demotivating to see. do you know what you want your art to look like? if you do then do art studies of artists with similar styles. or maybe try switching mediums, that really helped me when my art decreased because you don't hold yourself to the same standard. but the thing i personally found most helpful was when i stopped comparing to what i used to do and to what people around me were doing because its impossible to improve and just kills the enjoyment. i'd recommend marc brunet on youtube, because he talks about the stuff that youre struggling with and has a similar style