Forum posts by Sammiepitter

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  • #2859
    Hi! So these are a few of the drawings I did in my praactice yesterday! They were quite quick but I was hoping I could get some critique on how to improve.

    Thank you!
    My critique would be to try to work on getting the body proportions accurate. Rather than trying to draw the body with loads and loads of sketchy lines you should draw out ovals of body parts (upper arm, elbow, lower arm, hand, fingers etc) really rough and then once you have more accurate proportion you can start adding in harder lines and use fewer lines to outline the figure. This is especially important for extremely quick sketches like in 30sec-5min drawings. Try and see if you can do these quick drawings with as few lines as possible. I do really like this selection of sketches though
    I think in image two the actual drawing is very good but the use of colour could be improved upon. I like the body style you use to draw but i think maybe the faces need to be worked on a bit? Have you looked into digital drawing because I feel like these would all look amazing once tidied up and digitalised and that could really be a good way for you to better your style and experiment more with colours and line weights etc. (Although I am aware that drawing digitally can be expensive for equipment etc.)