- 23 Second Warm-Up for the Funniest Animations and Actings
- 23-Second Speedier Scribble For Practice
- 24-Second Scribble to Help Me Loosen Up for the High Quantities of Suggestions.
- 30-Seconds, Not meant to be totally perfect, as part of the process
- 27-Second Loosest, Lightest, and Liveliest Warm-Up
- 26-Second Another Warm-Up to Pump Out the Footage
- 21-Second Sloppy Scribble to Help Me Get My Speed Better
- 30-Seconds of Warming up for Getting The Footage out
- 26-Second Lightest, Longest and Largest Lines of Action and Rhythm
- 29-Seconds of Lighter Touches
- 28-Second Scribbly Warm-Up for My Ruff Animation Tests
- 28 Second Fast, Furious and Funny Scribble
- 30-Second Scribbly Excuse to Get the Drawings Out
- 25-Second Warm-Up for My Kim-Jung-Gi Figure Paintings.
- 30-Second Scribbly Mess for Strictly Practice, Outlet for My Aggression, Completely Freeing Me Up