
by Queenofthecoven, January 17th 2025 © 2025 Queenofthecoven
Done as part of a 30 minute class. My current goal is: Improve my rendering of faces
its nice , but the nose lips are not aliened , 
0 0 -- eyes okay 
 \/ ---nose 
= --- lips 

             0 0
       see how all of this is in same aixs 

u see when drawing a front view face all the elements for face should be like that diagram i hve made above
ugghh how do i post a photo that way i can help u understand
simply draw a cube and then see the lines , than maybe youll be able to see the right proportion for the nose and lips

for coloring (shadow and light ) you need to add the dark tone on other parts of face too, not only at neck and don't use eraser like that , it is used mainly only for giving highlight , first try doing the same portrait on paper and pen
Kevin Coelho
The way you drew the lines of the face and focused on the basic shapes is amazing. However, I suggest that you research the Asaro head to better understand the planes of the face and, consequently, improve the shadows, lighting, and rendering of your subjects. Also, try studying and making the mouth, eyes, and ears more three-dimensional—this will exponentially improve your drawings.

Success on your journey! :)