5-Second Airy and Lighter Gesture Drawing of a Background 5-Δευτερόλεπτα ευάερο και ελαφρύτερο σχέδιο ενός φόντου με χειρονομία
© 2022 Polyvios Animations
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 5 seconds in length.
My current goal is: Improve my lighter touch to all of my figures, my animals, my hands and feet, my faces, and my scenes and environments.
Just really, very, totally going with the flow with the gestures of the perspective and composition of this background. (and they have)
Γίνεται ως μέρος μιας συνεδρίας εξάσκησης με πόζες διάρκειας 5 δευτερολέπτων.
Ο τρέχων στόχος μου είναι: Να βελτιώσω το πιο ελαφρύ άγγιγμα σε όλες μου τις φιγούρες, τα ζώα μου, τα χέρια και τα πόδια μου, τα πρόσωπά μου και τις σκηνές και το περιβάλλον μου.
Απλώς, πραγματικά, πολύ, απόλυτα συμβαδίζει με τη ροή με τις χειρονομίες της προοπτικής και της σύνθεσης αυτού του φόντου. (και έχουν)
5 secs gesture are a great exercise to warm up, but that should not be your aim to better yourself.
30 secs gesture, be it of people, animals or even hands or feet, is the starting line, even so, for 30 secs i would not sugest you do more than 10~20 drawings per session (thinking about a 1 hour session).
This kind of drawing, 30 secs, are to loosen up you intelect and put your creative mind in action, let go of detail, capture the rithym.
Nonetheless this is an exercise to train yourself to be more loosen, less stiff. It wont get you far from doing it alot at one time. Do it alot, but a little, everyday.
After you did your 10 drawings of 30 secs poses you should then go to 2 minutes poses, this is where you want to be. 2 minutes is time enough to capture the essence of the pose, the main volumes, all the lines for the limbs, but not nearly enough time to put detail and thats excatly what we want here, gesture, not detail.
After you did some other 10 poses of 2 minutes, give a try for 1 or 2 poses of 10 minutes, this is where you'll see if youre improving gesture or not. You'll have time to draw the pose, to think about each and every line, to consider volume.
to be real with you, 5 secs is just too little, forget that practice, focus on 30 secs, 2 minutes and 10 min.
Wish you the best,