
by Slim Fried, July 17th 2023 © 2023 Slim Fried

Done as part of a 30 minute class.

My current goal is: Better understand human anatomy, so I can render imagined poses

Polyvios Animations

Welcome to Line of Action, Slim Fried, I'm Polyvios Animations and how are you?

Greater job on your range of anatomy and broader motion and movement in your figure studies. I think your gestures are getting even more bolder and even more powerful, but I feel that these poses aren't getting enough of that broader range of expression. How would you care to please try out our interactive tutorial?

As a result, if you draw out your human anatomy less then stilted, and even more gutsier, livelier and energetic. For most details, please pick up 2 Kindles of the work of Disney Drawing Teacher, Walt Stanchfield, though it's essentially geared towards artists, animators, and cartoonists in general. These principles are more concerned about forces over forms.

My hat's off to you.


Slim Fried,

I'd like you to try creating your figures in ten lines or less.

It's a really hard exercise, but it teaches you a lot about the most critical lines necessary to create the gesture and the essence of lines necessary to create anatomically correct human anatomy.

Your work looks etchy, and that's not bad. But too many lines can aid in bad habits- like losing your place from image to drawing, so you make more lines ....and that's when anatomy mistakes are made.

This haphazardly making lines to fill space and the time between poses is a hard habit to break. (I am still working on it, you are not alone.) But the ten-line rule helps you pick and choose while learning how to keep your place and stay neat and organised in your drawings.

I'm telling you it's going to suck for a long time before you like this rule, but I promise you will see improvement.

Also, get some bone books; the rest becomes easier if you know how the body moves in the bones. Structure is key to all good drawings.

I hope you can use some of this advice.

All the best,

JCML Fine Art