5 minute hand sketch 4.7.2024

by Iris Washington, April 7th 2024 © 2024 Iris Washington
5 minute hand sketch More practice for hands. These are very tricky for me because there are so many shapes in the hand. My ADHD makes it challenging for me to focus through all the smaller shapes. Even more so when I have to flit my eyes from the screen to my paper and then back again. And believe me, I do get as close to the laptop as possible and try to get my sketch book in aligntment with the screen to reduce this. I'm going to post some of my 30 second ones too. If anyone has advice on how to manage this, it would be super helpful!
Polyvios Animations
Hello and welcome back, Iris. Welcome aboard again. Nicest work on your lightest lines and the loosest lines in your hands poses. Yet however, I'm still bothered by your most totally insufficient organic drawing of shapes, spaces, and forms. Why don't you please just go ahead with your first 30 minute class mode of hands and feet?

The logic and experience why is because, your lines of action and lightest lines of rhythm can and will be drawn the least stilted but the most action-packed, densely-packed, and energetic in terms of ideas and vitalities. So, for most info, kindly look into the Andrew Loomis book, Drawing The Hands And Heads as a copy in your local bookstore and Amazon.com.

My hat's off to you and your wonderful journey.
Iris Washington
Hi, I would appreciate your feedback, but your wording is really harsh and it makes me not want to listen to anything you say. I'm sure there's merit there, but your way of expressing it comes across as rude :/
Polyvios Animations
My apologies. There, I've said it. Just doing the best I can. Thanks.
Iris Washington
Thanks...I do appreciate your eagerness to interact with everyone and you're trying to help. It's just not always what we say, but how we say it.
Polyvios Animations
Ok, then. See you on your next post! Happy Drawing Practice!!
From what I can see its an accurate, well proportioned sketch of hands. If there was enough time maybe some tonal layers would give the sketch depth and dimension but still really good.

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