Next 10 Heads Done! 30/100

by Slenderali, July 14th 2024 © 2024 Slenderali
Done as part of a practice session with poses of 5 minutes in length. Making more progress on my 100 heads practice! Trying to stylize a little bit more this time. Some challenging expressions in this one.
I think these studies are really efffective. Im actually doing something very similar at the moment haha. Im currently at 139 / 250 heads. It is important to capture some of the small nuances of the face. I do have feedback in terms of how to make the faces more accurate.

I would reccomend would be to do these traditionally or remove the ability to erase or redo lines. Ive been doing all of my faces traditionally and makes me think and pay more attention to my line marks I put down. My drawings do take a bit longer ( 10-20m each head ) but that is beacause I am also trying to understand alot of the different aspects that go into the image we see before us. Simply asking yourself simple questions such as, "how is the mouth sitting in relation to the ear?" or"Do the eyes sink in or rest on the face?" can do so much for how you approach drawing as a whole. In some cases, the best way to improve at art is to observe the world around us and try to understand what is going on beyond the image we see at face value.

One thing that helped me understand how to capture it better was by simplifying the face by alot. Everything in this world is made up of smaller shapes like triangles, cones, squares, and spheres. All of those simple shapes help to add up into the forms we see in the world. For example, whenever I start a drawing, I try to think of the head as more of a cylinder or can shape and try to understand where it may sit in perspective. When I figure that out, it is becomes alot easier to understand why certain shapes. The nose, eye brow ridge, mouth and ears sit in a certain way that may be hard to express if I were to just draw it without knowing the overall perspective of the head and body as a whole. Something as small as establishing the cone / base of the head can transform how a viewer can see how your drawing sits.

Another thing that really helped me boost my skills in terms of drawing heads was studying skulls. STUDY SKULLS EVERYONE!!! What makes skulls so important is over time similar to breaking down the face into shapes, it helps us understand why certain facial features protrude out and sink in and helps us understand how to manipulate it later on. Over time from doing skull studies, I started to grasp where the nose and mouth sit naturally in relation to each other. I also learned was how to establish the nose bridge.

Alot of peoples faces have many intriciacies in how the face is developed from one another and it can really make or break a viewers ability to differentiate between different people. Studying the skull or the underlying foundation of the face through shapes is the key to knowing how to firstly develop it and then from there take it and tweak it in the direction the model needs.

Hope this helps, youre doing really good so far. Keep going.

- Dont be afraid to take more time to do faces in the beginning.
- Be more concious of your mark making and how every line can either make or break the face and its perspective
- Study Skulls / Asaro Head / Implement Simple Shapes