1/2 minute poses. Critiques always welcome.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Benastrada il y a 2 ans.

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  • #28804
    Hey all. I posted here about a month ago and I got great responses as to where I can improve upon (thank you to those who not only critiqued my work but also gave pointers to others within the community).

    I took in what I could and aimed to work on the fundementals stressed on my last post (line weight/quality, hands and feet). I like what I've garnered in the past month, but regardless I still need to know if I'm heading the right direction.


    And as always, here's what my older work looked like from a year ago. Only through "failure" do you evolve as an artist. Thanks again everyone.

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    I can see how your focus on line weight has helped. You convey a lot more with fewer lines now. As far as where to improve. I can see potential in continuiong your journey into line weight, going even thicker with what you have. The one thing I would say detracts from your work is how some lines are so light they feel that they fade away or just exist out in space. I see this specifically in the top row left and right sketches. It took me a while to figure out that there was a cloth there, and a couple of lines in the other show the form as much rounder that it seems it actually is.

    Great work! I hope to see you on the critique runs again!
    Wow, I can see a lot of improvement - in fact it looks like the sketches are from two different people.

    I am a complete beginner so please, take the following with a pinch of salt, but I thought the thicker / darker lines worked much better on some poses than others. It took me a long time to try and work out why I felt that way and I think I may have an answer.

    If I number the poses 1 to 7 (123 top row, then back from left second row 4567) I think in pose 6, the thicker lines convey a little of the shading, i.e. the parts that will be darker in a finished drawing. I feel like the person is crouching and as if looking downward, the light appear to come from behind and above, so all that is in the front is darker, and that is where you placed the thicker / darker lines.

    In comparison, figure 3 for example, the dark lines are marking both the back and the front, it gets very confusing for the eye and although I think the proportions and position of limbs etc appears right, the body ends up looking twisted...

    Anyways, as I said, I think your figures are great and I wish I could get to your initial level! Somehow, I cannot for the life of me get any proportions right! All my figures have got super long middles with short legs.... :-(

    You gave me hope that I can maybe get there!

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