25ish minute pose, 24. may

Page d'accueil Forums La critique 25ish minute pose, 24. may

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Polyvios Animations 2 months ago.

  • S'abonner Favori
  • #31656

    critique please!
    i've been feeling defocused lately, so 25 minutes for one pose feel like way too much this week !

    • General Winter edited this post on May 24, 2024 6:33pm. Reason: again messed up the photo
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    Good morning, General Winter, and welcome back, and how are you doing today? Nice job on retaining your forces with forms over anatomical details of your nude figure's back shot. I love the carved out quality to your construction, lines of action and rhythm and silhouette, but I feel your pain that the 25-minute pose looked too much for you, or seemed too much for you. Why don't you please boil down your nude figure studies with trying out our interactive drawing tutorial, even if it only does figure studies?

    The reason why is because you can and will be able to record your loose figures for comics with as few lines as possible but to get as much strength and ambition in your designerly communication. Thank you.


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